> How about cheating?  Add a rectangle under the aircraft,  map a fuzzy
> silhouette texture onto it and animate it down to ground level (translate it
> based on AGL).
> Above 50m AGL you'd have to offset up a little to keep it "above" the terrain.

Good idea, but how do you map the silhouette? It would be nice to see
the aircraft's shadow change in a roll, for instance, so you can't use
a static silhouette. Also, don't forget clouds -- if there are any,
the silhouette has to be above them.

How about this: after all scenery and clouds have been drawn, and
before drawing the aircraft and panel, simply redefine the
view/transform matrices so as to create a parallel projection that
looks at the aircraft from the opposite direction of where the sun is
-- i.e. the sun is behind the aircraft. Then draw the aircraft without
any lighting, in plain grey, on top of the scenery with
alpha-blending. This will darken out the shadow of the aircraft.


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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