Lee Elliott wrote:
> Was the stencil shadow stuff for generating object shadows?  How far
> off usable was it, and did it only work with your terrain engine?

It was decidedly "demo" quality.  But it was part of the model code,
not the terrain engine.  Doing shadows on terrain is sort of a 2D
problem, and actually a little simpler (computationally faster, if not
algorithmically easier) than doing a full-on general shadow

Basically, there are two general techniques for doing shadows with 3D

The first is to draw the object casting the shadow into a
1-bit-plus-depth "shadow buffer" from the point of view of the light
source.  You then use this buffer as a modulating texture for the
light source when drawing the objects on which the shadow falls.  This
is a relatively straightforward process (although it requires some
form of rendering to a texture, which wasn't standardized in OpenGL
until recently) and works fast.  The problems are that the resolution
is limited to what you pick for the texture, so you can see pixelation
effects if the viewer is close to an object which is "far" from the
shadow caster.  More seriously, you cannot use this technique for
objects which cast shadows on *themselves* since the depth information
in the shadow buffer isn't precise enough.

Stenciling is the other trick.  This is a geometric technique where
you draw the "shadow volume" of an object into the stencil buffer.
For each triangle, for example, you draw a tetrahedron containing its
vertices and a vertex projected "infinitely" far away from the light
source.  You then use some nifty tricks involving the stencil buffer
to tell which screen pixels are lit by the light source.  This is a
great technique, and works correctly in a very nice general way for
every surface on the screen.

It's also abysmally slow when implemented naively.  Every (!) polygon
ends up beign drawn as a big swath from its real position to one edge
of the screen.  This eats fill rate like there's no tomorrow.
Production implementation need to do lots of bookeeping work to
optimize the shadow volume such that only polygons on the silouette of
the object are drawn (others are essentially useless).  This is the
part I didn't finish. :)


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