On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 16:21:19 -0000
 "Jim Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That has nothing at all to do with what I said. We are controlling individual
control surfaces. Period. I don't think we should have subclasses for each
desired action/process. Only each control surface type. Roll control ends up
being intrinsically part of aileron control is it not? Pitch control is
intrinsically part of elevator control, regardless of whether you are
targeting speed or pitch (maybe you are confusing control targets with
outputs?). The variable input sources and targets and how those are handled
are all that needs to be configured per instance. Keeping it to that will
make the configuration process much simpler.

I'm not sure if this makes a difference for what you are referring to, but it's not necessarily that cut-and-dried. For an aircraft with no H-Tail (like the shuttle), both roll and pitch control are managed with elevons. For an aircraft like the F-14 (IIRC) roll is managed with differential H-Tail, as well as spoilers.


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