Jim Wilson wrote:
> That has nothing at all to do with what I said.  We are controlling
> individual control surfaces.  Period.  I don't think we should have
> subclasses for each desired action/process.  Only each control
> surface type.  Roll control ends up being intrinsically part of
> aileron control is it not?

I'm half with you.  We certainly don't want separate subclasses for
every conceivable action, that's madness.  But assuming a set number
of "standard" control surfaces isn't right either.  A helicopter has
roll control yet no ailerons.  The harrier has ailerons *and* roll
jets, with an autostabilizer that uses both depending on conditions.

I'd strongly suggest an architecture where the autopilot specifies a
black box, with all input and output done via property nodes:

../roll-rate -+    +-----------+     /controls/elevator
../yaw-rate  -+--> | Autopilot | --> /controls/ailerons
../heading   -+    +-----------+     /controls/...

No control system assumptions in the C++ type system, and it's still
perfectly configurable.  Just remap the input and output nodes
per-aircraft if you want, maybe via an override in the -set.xml file.


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