On Saturday 28 February 2004 22:00, Gunnstein Lye wrote:
> On Saturday 28 February 2004 21:49, Gunnstein Lye wrote:
> > On Saturday 28 February 2004 00:16, David Culp wrote:
> > > --aircraft=paraglider-jsbsim
> > >
> > > Just remember to change the paths of course.
> > > I have no experience in paragliders, so this model was just a guess.
> >
> > There is no paraglider included with flightgear as far as I can tell, but
> > thanks for the other tips in your script.
> Correction: There is no paraglider in my version of flightgear. I just
> found a reference to your model on the flightmodel mailing list, I'll get
> flightgear 0.9.3 and try it out.

I have tested paraglider-jsbsim now, and unfortunately I must say it flies 
like a plane, not like a paraglider. No offence, and I understand it's not 
easy to model when you don't have first-hand experience.

When I push the stick to the right, it rolls like a plane, turning only 
slightly. I should have turned (yawed), first with a slight opposite roll, 
then with the correct roll, due to the pendulum effect.

When I push the stick forwards, it will dive straight down like a plane. 
That's not possible in a paraglider, because of the distance between the 
center of gravity (the pilot) and the center of drag (the wing). The only way 
to dive is in a spiral dive. As soon as you stop spiraling, the dive stops 
(quite violently if you're rushing it, a spiral dive that's ended too quickly 
can end with a loop).

I'm a bit concerned about the physics model of flightgear. Are there certain 
physical limitations built into the sim, that makes paraglider physics 
impossible to model? I'm thinking particularly about the pendulum effect. Of 
course, everything is possible when you have access to the source code, but 
you know what I mean...

Or is this simply a matter of improving David's paraglider model?

I'd like to know more about this before I spend any time coding...

best regards,
Gunnstein Lye
Systems engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | eZ systems | ez.no

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