On July 20, 2004 03:23 am, Jim Wilson wrote:
Hmmm... that 777 Model page didn't mention a GPU. In any case, I gather
from reading just the first paragraph on the OpenRT page you'd be
at having plib utilize the OpenRT API in lieu of OpenGL's.

I may be wrong, but from what I've read, openRT is indeed supposed to make use of a specific GPU - or alternatively a (cluster of) CPU(s) @ ~40 GHZ :-)

But, there seems to be a project related to openRT that is dedicated to
developing the necessary hardware: http://www.saarcor.de/

Seemingly, also a project of the same German university.

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
All I am saying is that it will be a good idea to look deeper into it instead of pushing it aside. After all, from what I have read on their site, the OpenRT library seems to offer some pretty neat capabilities that aren't in the current version of plib.

plib makes use of openGL while openRT is a different "rendering" approach which doesn't utilize rasterization anymore - so I think Jim
is right in saying that one would really have to drop the entire openGL
approach to make use of something like that.
I don't know the details, but I doubt that it would be really "simple"
to convert to such a new approach, which wouldn't rely on openGL anymore.

In the long term the openRT folks probably hope to replace the openGL implementation in many 3D applications with openRT, because it could provide a performance boost in many cases, particularly because it would
no longer be necessary to process all graphics data just in order to
determine which parts are really visible or not ...

At the very least, we should keep this real-time-raytracing technology in mind. The idea of Microsoft come out with games that utilize real time raytracing while Linux has nothing equivilent is... freightening.

I agree, the whole idea is extremely fascinating: Having had a look at some of the screenshots or even videos, the stuff seems really to be pretty amazing and powerful, but currently it's probably really a bit beyond the scope of any "game", to care too much for openRT, simply because of the lack of hardware support, I think - be it a relevant GPU board or the 40 GHZ requirement for openRT :-)

And then I am not even sure if there's really yet an OPEN
implementation available !?

As long as FlightGear keeps getting modularized even more, it should not
be that much of a problem, to consider new technologies - even though
this unlikely to become an issue within the next 3-5 years ;-)

But on the other hand, at http://graphics.cs.uni-sb.de/RTGames
you can read:

"We are very much interested in evaluating new ways for computer games
and therefore like to cooperate with the gaming industry. Thus if you
are in such a position, please send us an email
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>!"

So, now it depends if FlightGear is considered part of "the gaming
industry" :-)

But if the openRT developers are really also looking for opensource
projects, it would probably be not that bad for FlightGear to at least
indicate some willingness ;-)


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