Arnt Karlsen wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 02:28:46 -0400, Norman wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I am espescially interested in the profiling results from the newer
higher end cards.  i.e the GForce 4 class or equivalent cards

..which is the low end limit on ATI, 3dfx etc cards, that can do at
least 1fps?

I mentioned this a couple of times already, but the weird thing is really that I have personally achieved higher/better performance using an OLD card, rather than using my current nvidia accelerator on the main machine, I was just recently really about to change cards ;-)

On the other hand, the old ATI R128 card achieves about 70-80 fps
in 800x600 resolution under _windows_ running stuff like
counterstrike. While running FlightGear (either under windows or linux)
leaves me with only about 30-35 fps if I am lucky.

Regarding profiling: what would be necessary to be done ?
Are there _any_ profiler tools for 3D/openGL applications ?

I know that there do exist some openGL related logging tools
which can monitor the commands that the graphics adapter
receives/processes, but don't have the slightest clue, how
to really PROFILE an openGL app if you want to profile the
openGL instructions.

Don't even know if one could use gprof for such a purpose ?

If there exist any libraries specifically aimed at profiling/debugging
openGL applications, it might indeed make sense to optionally
include such functionality in "developer releases" in order to
first find the bottleneck on most configurations, and then be
able to really address it.

If I remember correctly, SGI did have some kind of openGL debugger,
but don't know if there's any freely available stuff for these
purposes, personally I certainly wouldn't care if I had to install
another 50 meg package in order to have the necessary profiling
capabilities, such a profiling feature could optionally even report
its results automatically back to the FlightGear webpage, that way
one could really get representative data.

--------- Boris

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