"Ampere K. Hardraade" wrote:

> That was a proposal from me.  The idea is to have a program (could be a 
> modified version of KPDF) to read a vector based PDF file such as this: 
> and spit out the taxiway outlines.

"Ampere K. Hardraade" wrote:
> the process of taxiway generation should have nearly zero human involvement 
> instead.

To my knowledge KPDF is just another look-and-feel for XPDF ....  hah,
did someode see the "KIMP" demo some years ago !?  :-)
I' pretty sure it easier to convert the PDF's into some common vector
drawing format than adding editing capabilities to [X,K,G]PDF. Once you
have a nice vector format you can easily load that into your favourite
editor, and group the necessary lines together.
But, as I already said - at least I think so: After you did that you
still don't have valid taxiways, you still don't have the logic behind
your that. Nowadays, although junctions don't look that nice, you
have the yellow centerline on regular taxiways. This is something you'd
still have to add to the outlines and I think this will require
manual effort as well.

You might develop some clever logic to calculate the centerlines but
reality will face us with a significant amount of exemptions where the
logic doesn't match. Well, I'd wish someone proves me to be wrong  :-)
I don't want to discourage anyone, I just want to point out that these
"silly" taxiways require us to make a plan that works (TM  :-)  before
pushing development that servers only for eye-candy.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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