Durk Talsma wrote:

- buildings placement

This can be done through a combination of .stg and xml files, but this has to be done either by hand editing, or by using a dedicated scenery editor. I'm not sure if fgsd would be able to do this. This would be the only interactive application that would allow this. See KSFO for an example. I haven't tried doing this myself, so I can't comment on whether it's easy to do or not.

I tend to use areas of turf to represent buildings, they're identified by the size of the turf, which can easily be positioned and aligned. Then I have a script which strips out the appropriate lines, and produces the info for the scenery database. (I've actually just discovered a book in my local reference library which contains plans for a large number of standard RAF buildings. I should have them all online in a couple of weeks - unfortunately the book in question is reference only, so I'm spending my saturday mornings at the library with my laptop).

Being able to define some simple vector diagrams which could be placed in taxidraw, and exported in the scenery format (in a similar way to how windsocks can be exported now) would be extremely useful).

Just wondering what type of animations you were thinking of. We have support for moving aircraft now, but no ground vehicles yet, although this could be done using animation scripts.

ISTR seeing mention of a function which allowed retrieval of ground elevation at arbitrary points. Would this make AI ground vehicles possible?


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