On Monday 17 October 2005 19:50, Martin Spott wrote:
> Well, points and lines and taxiway width is what we have now and people
> claim that the result looks terribly  :-)
> Finally with points and lines you won't be able to describe the _shape_
> of a junction - as I understood exactly this is what people like to
> improve.
> You won't be able to reverse-engineer the shape of such a junction
> because in real live they don't follow geometric perfection. Sometimes
> you have an offset between the upper and the lower junction, one is
> more situated to the right whilts the other to the left, one taxiway
> gets a bit wider on one side ....  and so on. We should take this into
> account once we get serious about a new taxiway format. We're digging a
> big hole here and we should avoid spending all this effort for a
> solution that doesn't satisfy.
> Regards,
>  Martin.

Thanks Martin, you say things much better than I can. :)

What I was trying to say is that taxiway layouts should be a COMBINATION of 
polylines and hand drawn polygons.
Polylines will allow all the perfectly parallel taxiways to be drawn quickly 
and easily and raw polygons will allow for customized areas.

We need a combination solution not a "polyline only" or "raw polygon only" 

I while back I actually started coding an app to do this but didn't get very 
far. However I did get to the point where I could draw polylines and set 
their properties like bend radius and width.
Unfortunately my coding skills are not very good and I ended up with a pile of 
spaghetti code. :)

I was also going to use a lego approach where predefined taxiway junctions 
could be joined to taxiway segments just by snapping them together.

Here is the functional spec I did :

Here are some of the reasons why I believe we need BOTH polyline and raw 
polygon editing :

Here are some screenshots of a taxiway polylines with configurable radius, 
width and max kink angle (smoothing of radius) :


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