
On 06/17/2007 06:04 PM, Martin Spott wrote:

> You might want to give Pigeon a copy of your hacked driver for
> use with the FGLive CD,

We have discovered that there are multiple versions of
"the" driver.  This means it is not easy to distribute
hacked copies or even to distribute a patch.

1) Here is Csaba's manual procedure (for the 64-bit library):

> What it does is make the _ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE7reserveEm symbol local to fglrx.
> You can check with objdump -T
> 1) find the symbol value for _ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE7reserveEm in objdump
> output. In my case it is 00000000007d3580
> 2) open the using a binary hex editor.
> 3) search for the symbol value. The byte sequence will be reversed, as
> we are on little-endian system. So look for 80 35 7d 00 00 00 00 00
> 4) the preceding 4 bytes should be 22 00 0a 00
> 5) change these to read 02 02 0a 00
> 6) verify using objdump
> Make sure that you actually edit the 64 bit library. The elf symbol
> layout is different in 32 bit files.

2) Here is another way of achieving a similar result.  This is more
crude, but works better in batch files, i.e. doesn't require any
skilled feedback.  This works for 32- and 64-bit libraries.

  sed s/_ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE7reserveE/_ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE7reserveX/ \
     orig/ >

You can see that this is a way of making a variable quasi-local
(in the sense of being inaccessible to other modules) by maiming
its name.

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