> I'm going to be connecting flightgear to a motion platform, propably
> through
> UDP. I'll need at a minimum yaw, pitch, roll for the aircraft and g-
> forces
> that the pilot is subject to. If this could be done in a FDM-
> independent
> manner that would be nice but isn't necessary. I don't know how the
> motion
> platform needs this packaged yet. Logging to a file would be an
> acceptable
> first step.
> On a separate note, I'll also be attaching an Intersense 3-dof motion
> tracker to control the pilot's viewpoint. Suggestions on that would be
> helpful too.

If you need it to be FDM independent, you would want to use FlightGear's
loggin capability. I'm not familiar with that. Someone else here can surely
comment on that.


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