--- LeeE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to use Blender for UV texturing but
> I've been 
> hitting a few problems.
> The first problem is that when I import a .obj
> format model all of 
> the sub-object ordering and grouping is lost.  I
> seem to be getting 
> each sub-object in it's own group, the name of which
> gives no clue 
> to the sub-object name.  At the same time, the
> ordering of the 
> sub-objects is completely lost so the only way to
> find a particular 
> sub-object is to show them all in an outline window
> and then scroll 
> down the list until you manage to spot it.
> Any links to a tutorial or reference that shows how
> to import 
> objects and subsequently re-order them would be
> useful.
> The next problem I had was actually unwrapping some
> of the meshs - 
> sometimes the unwrap seemed ok, except it might be
> at an arbitrary 
> angle i.e. not aligned horizontally or vertically,
> but for some 
> objects the unwrap is badly distorted i.e. when
> unwrapping an upper 
> wing surface object the wing tips were about twice
> the width of the 
> root!  On another sub-object, the unwrap actually
> overlapped two 
> widely unconnected parts of the mesh (this was the
> top half of 
> something - the lower half, which was similar in
> outline but with 
> slightly different surface contours unwrapped ok,
> but was slewed by 
> approx 15 deg)
> If anyone has any tutorials or references that
> address these 
> problems I'd really appreciate it.
> Obviously, I've been trying the tutorial links from
> the blender.org 
> web-site but none of them seem to address these
> particular problems 
> (and some of them just plain didn't work or showed 
> panels/buttons/menu entries that don't seem to exist
> in the version 
> I'm using - 2.4.2)
> I'm asking here because I know that quite a few of
> you use Blender 
> for texturing and I don't want to have to register
> on yet another 
> *!&* forum and then spend the first couple of days
> convincing 
> people that I do have some clue about 3D and that
> I'm not 
> interested in using Blender for modelling.
> LeeE
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