Read James' post:

On Linux, the steps are (from a clean Ubuntu/Fedora install)
  - install various -dev packages using apt-get/yum/synaptic 
(openAL-dev, compiler, freetype-dev, libpng-dev, boost, cmake, 
cvs/svn/git clients etc)
  - download OSG, cmake, make and make install
  - download PLIB tarball, configure, make and make install
  - download Simgear, configure,make, make install
  - download FlightGear, configure, make, make install

And as James points out there are more tweaking needed on macs.

The build system works, try it. simgear is built independent of 
flightgear and flighgear is build with simgear installed somewhere 
(normally) outside its own build directory. If you follow the path above 
everything should compile.

Do not pursue your include strategy below.

OSG 2.9.7 works for me, and if I remember correctly even 2.9.8 works.

Please search the mailing list archive on building fg et al. There is a 
lot of information there.

Still, we do not know what OS you are working on? But then again you 
aren't really asking for help.

Jari - is it really me writing this? Is this what happens after a while 
with fg? ;-)

On 5/5/10 8:18 PM, Ingels David wrote:
> Example taken from hasard: the file fg_props.hxx
> the begining  of the file is:
> // fg_props.hxx - Declarations and inline methods for property handling.
> // Written by David Megginson, started 2000.
> //
> // This file is in the Public Domain, and comes with no warranty.
> #ifndef __FG_PROPS_HXX
> #define __FG_PROPS_HXX 1
> #include<iosfwd>
> #include<simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
> #include<simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
> #include<Main/globals.hxx>
> ==>  it didnt include the file /simgear/props.hxx which defines namespace
> props and enum simgear::props:STRING
> but later it uses namespace and the enum defined in it:
> class FGMakeUpperCase : public SGPropertyChangeListener {
> public:
>      void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *node) {
>          if (node->getType() != simgear::props::STRING)<== here
>              return;
>          char *s = const_cast<char *>(node->getStringValue());
>          for (; *s; s++)
>              *s = toupper(*s);
>      }
> ==>  if any of the 4 files included in top of source doesnt include
> /simgear/props.hxx than this file doesnt compile: it s abnormal.
> The
> #include<simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
> is absolute includes and depends on the search path added on the project
> configuration
> If the directory hierarchie is well defined, you can set for example a
> relative path
> #include “../../../../simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx”
> the reader of the source can find immediately where the file included is
> and can read it quickly without searching.
> I am not against include directory path in project configuration for
> example to set up dependencys from external project
> Like openscenegraph in flightgear, but, simgear is semi-external, like
> jsbsim the sources are compiled in flightgear project
> Than it can be considered internal and no include path have to be added
> on project, or it can be considered external in the form of a simple lib
> to link with and include path in the project are added.
> there are other examples where the part simgear/ is missing because the
> project configuration include the path:
> “../../../../simgear”
> other example : the project configuration include the paths :
> “../../../src”
> “../../../src/include”
> =>  its abnormal use only one of the two solution and set #include
> directive in accordance
> other example:
>   in my first atempt to compile flightgear i have used
> Openscenegraph2.9.7 because in the doc it is say that
> openSceneGraph2.9.6 and above is needed
> OpenSceneGraph2.9.7 doesnt link, an obscure probleme of zlib version
> used in openscenegraph2.9.7. I have decided to delete 2.9.7 and using
> OpenSceneGraph2.9.6
> Than i can link  with 2.9.6 version
> There must be someone designed to decide wich version of external
> software to use and responsible of the good integration and test of the
> external modules.
> Do not tell to “use Version2.9.6 and above”,  tell “use only version
> 2.9.6“ flightgear validated with 2.9.6.
> Okay there are tools to setup a new jsbsim in flightgear for example, i
> didnt know that before my mail, but i find its not very normal to have
> to using tools.
> Ok, i am returning to learn how integrate the new jsbsim in FG.
> Cordialy,
> David Ingels

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