
I'm new to FlightGear but I'm using mostly OpenSource software since a whole 
I stumbled in here on the list when I was searching for some problems I had 
GIT and FlightGear. Luckily I could solve it- thanks to the mails here on  list 
and the wiki. :-) Thanks for a simulator with great possibilities!

> > > > Emmanuel,
> > > > and all here involved or not,

  I have followed this ugly discussion.
This words by Mr. Buckle are clear enough. But I hope I may allowed to add some 
random thoughts here though ?!

> I'm sorry. My answers were made ​​in private to avoid contamination of the 
>devel list. I also replaced the FDM was missing in  these 
> people.But it seems they do not want to understand.

 It wasn't good that later in this discussion a private communication had been 
brought into public by Mr. Schulz- it made the mess not look better. I'm not 
sure if this was made on purpose, or accidently. 
At least it looks to me as several mails sent to the list by Mr. Baranger was 
originally meant to be private as well, but landed here in public. Wanted or 
Even when private Emails lands in public accidently-   it let escalate such 
conflicts on both sides.
Uh Oh.... 

This can happen in the heat of the battle. My advice: check that your Email 
browser uses the right email address and not automatically added the wrong one. 
It happened to me as well once time on another list.  Awkward....

And of course: Google Translate and other machine translators should be not 
in communications between people. They are maybe good for books and articles- 
but not for communications between each other!

If there is the chance that someone other can translate it - use it.
So much about this from me about. I hope this conflicts doesn't happening much 

> ...., I also added an airplane in FG, started two other 
> planes (Nakajima B5N Kate and Aichi D3A Val) and improved R44. My goal is to 
>give pleasure the greatest number and not to satisfy 
> the ego of one or two people.

So there is a serious competition with getting the biggest number of aircraft 
into FlightGear in a short time?

 I am surprised about this statement by Mr. Baranger, but I'm carefull... seems 
like Google Translate behind again.

I tried MSFS, but someone told me that FlightGear is much more realistic, and 
even tries to be most realistic simulator in OpenSource and in general. At 
the introduction at flightgear.org says it. So I came here because I hoped to 
get qualitity than useless quantity. 

Well, my short review:
About 300-400 aircraft but about 75% seems to be not finished, are not really 
flyable or actually uses wrong Flight Model (fdm called, right?) copied from 
other aircraft. And all this ones I meant are made by just one man. (on the 
other side the 25% are already really nice: SenecaII, F-14, A-10 A-6E, 777-200, 
TwinOtter, Spitfire, Bf109, Pilatus Porter,  EC130, S76c....good, realistic 
aircraft needs time to develope )

I am not long enough using FlightGear and never contributed yet, but I would 
like to say:
 Sorry, but you can count me to those 1-2 people with this ego as well!  I hoped

I hope that there are enough serious aircraft developer there who satisfy the 
ego those 1-2 people like me.
 I like FlightGear, as the report from the LinuxTag shows, the possibilities to 
use FlightGear seems to be great! 

I hope it wasn't the wrong place to come up with a short review
Kind Regards

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