> ..there is a non-development version of FG? ;o)
> Everything is here so anyone can see _how_ the 
> buggy ones fail, and try fix them.

I meant stable-versions.  
When I use builds from the Hudson server I do get a snapshot. So things can be 
broken, not run or completly buggy and not work as expected.
I take v2.0.0 as an example: a freezed developement status and is meant as 
stable version, so should work without any major bugs ( it does for me here on 
win32! :-)).

>..define "useable", newbie, then consider 
> the developer bait context. ;o)

"Useable"- at least the standard six instruments are available and working for 
aircraft flying VFR;   (as an example on the DA42 they aren't working, or the 
Fouga Magister is missing the Artificial Horizon...)  
- aircraft with IFR certification should have the necessary instruments and 
avionics working (as an example not like the 737-230, B52F, Caravelle ...) 
- a reasonable fdm ( as an example the ME262 has a poor roll rate for a 
the Caravelle seems to be underpowerd, lot others seems not well balanced and 
tends to oscillate...)

I tried a random cross-section of each each type of aircraft. Please don't mind 
it, maybe I'm a bit spoiled.  And yes, as mentioned there are aircraft which 
even could compete with Payware aircraft made for X-Plane like the IAR80, 
B1900d, FW190, SenecaII, Hansajet....

>..try "fgfs --show-aircraft --min-status=production "

>                Allows you to define a minimum status level
>                (=development status) for all listed aircraft

I see, Thanks!

Kind Regards


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