On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> Now that release 2.6 is out, perhaps it is time to discuss further 
> developments concerning project Rembrandt.
> Although it may already produce pretty images when used by a talented 
> designer (see for example the P92), it is however, not usable by most people.
> The Wiki page summarizes the list of things to do. For wider use, we must 
> first convert the shaders to 'Rembrandt' rules. It also seems there are 
> problems with shadows in multi-threaded modes. Finally, the multi screen 
> should be reviewed (I'll leave spherical projection and stereo for another 
> time). The other points are are less important and can be treated in the 
> "next" branch.
> Remains the problem of conversion of aircraft models. One of the constraints 
> of Rembrandt is that each model should be modified, or at least reviewed:
>  * Remove the fake shadow
>  * Remove ambient occlusion from textures
>  * Register all transparent surfaces
>  * Review the use of emissive colors
> Maybe we need to create a label "Works with Rembrandt" and report models that 
> do not comply.
> thoughts ?

The first question is whether this is something that we want in the
2.8.0 release. We have just over 130 days until the next code freeze,
which isn't a huge amount of time. OTOH, that's as much time as we're
ever going to have between releases :) So, the question becomes where
it can be release-ready in 130 days, or it needs to wait until the
following release.

If we want it in 2.8.0, then it needs to be in the "next" branch ASAP.
 That's the only way to ensure that every developer is working with
it. The danger of leaving it in a separate branch is that developers
can just ignore it.  My recollection of the OSG work was that it was
only when it became part of the main cvs code that people really
started filling in the feature gaps compared with plib.

Given that we have 400+ aircraft that need to be updated, I think we
also need clear documentation (on the wiki?) describing the steps you
outline above, and in particular how to register the transparent
surfaces.  That probably needs to be in place before the code goes
into "next".

IMO we should bite the bullet and get it into "next" this week if
possible.  There's obviously some risk to our 6 month release
schedules that we'll just have to accept.


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