> De: ThorstenB
> Also, the project is quite good in finding issues, once new stuff is
> in git. But, generally we are not so good in fixing problems then.
> Notoriously, everyone has just too little spare time ;-), so a lot of
> issues just starve in the tracker. And with hard-core OSG stuff,
> there's even fewer people than usual who could help anyway.
> So, make an honest estimate of how much work is really left,
> including fixing reported issues, and whether you have the time to 
> complete this in the next months. Or whether you maybe need to bail 
> out in a few weeks for personal reasons, and we might be getting 
> stuck (your wife/girlfriend isn't pregnant or something? :-D ).
> If we are certain that everything will be well and stable within
> "reasonable amount of time", then it should go into "next".
> Otherwise, we should think about maintaining separate branches 
> (one of the main advantages of git anyway). Indeed, the latter 
> would probably mean it would not be part of the August release. 
> The key question is: would it be ready?

As I said in my first post, I don't consider the code as fully ready
for prime time. I made shortcuts to demonstrate the feasibility of 
the renderer and many things no longer works or at least should 
be reviewed again.

I can't promise I won't be hit by the proverbial bus, but as long 
as the project is endorsed by the community, there is no reason 
I bail out in the next months.

As a migration path, I verified that my changes to simgear are 
compatible with the current next branch. If there is no objection,
I will commit these changes to gitorious and begin to prepare 
the flightgear code in a way that would allow to keep the current
renderer. That may take time though. Enough time to split the 
aircraft repository ;-)


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