> I have the same bug when the skydome scattering shader is enable.
> Are you sure you have disable skydome scattering shader ?

Look, I literally wrote the part of the effect file that controls what shaders 
run when the skydome shader is enabled and what shaders don't, I did a fair 
share of the skydome shader code, and I know very well how it looks like when 
it's on. So may we assume for the purpose of the discussion that when I say the 
skydome shader is off, it is actually off? Otherwise I feel we'll not get 

> Another possibility is that an extension check fails for you :
>   <extension-supported>GL_ARB_texture_rg</extension-supported>
> Try to locate that line in Effects/model-default.eff and
> Effects/terrain-default.eff and remove it or comment it out

Will try. In any case, the information that some fallback code is probably be 
running is helpful already, I should be able to check this easily by setting 
gl_FragColor to blue in the shader that ought to be running and investigate 
from there.

> Here is a video with a steady view to see shadow stability.

Okay, thanks, that's helpful. My flickering is a bit worse than in the first 
case in this video, but not much. The filtering seems to improve things a lot - 
what's the downside of it?


* Thorsten

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