> De: Renk Thorsten
> > To be safe you need to limit yourself to 32 float varyings.
> > Note: a vec3 counts as 3 float varyings, a vec4 as 4 etc.
> Okay thanks, then I am safe. Btw (spotted this while checking) - is
> there any particular reason to compute a normal from gl_Normal in
> the vertex shader, use a full varying vec3 to pass it to the
> fragment shader and add noise there? I mean, this is a water
> surface, it ought to be flat up to tiny corrections before adding
> noise...

Apart that the earth is a sphere and ocean tiles are large pieces 
of terrain where the curvature is quite apparent, how whould you 
define flat ? In which reference frame ? The simplest way is to 
think that before applying normal mapping and noise perturbation,
the surface of things is perpendicular to its the normal.

Emilian can testify that the current water shader is extremely 
difficult to convert to Rembrandt because it doesn't have a 
clear reference frame. It seems to work in object space but 
with assumptions on the object-to-world transformation.
My gut feeling is that it was originally a demo from another 
project and added to FG without much thought, and a lot of 
trials and errors. As the writer of the urban shader, I am 
thinking of rewriting the Rembrandt version of the water shader
in the same spirit.


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