On Friday 13 April 2012 10:09:12 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > To be safe you need to limit yourself to 32 float varyings.
> > Note: a vec3 counts as 3 float varyings, a vec4 as 4 etc.
> Okay thanks, then I am safe. Btw (spotted this while checking) - is there
> any particular reason to compute a normal from gl_Normal in the vertex
> shader, use a full varying vec3 to pass it to the fragment shader and add
> noise there? I mean, this is a water surface, it ought to be flat up to
> tiny corrections before adding noise...
> * Thorsten
Yes because you don't have acces to gl_Normal in a fragment shader, and 
because the water surface is not a perfectly flat surface, it's a sphere patch 
(a low resolution one), so the normal varies between vertices.


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