MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
> I'm not to bothered about Fl_Scroll, but this I do care about...
>> But I don't think that having utf-8 doesn't affect anybody's 
>> code. In my 
>> german language code there are lots of german Umlauts 
>> (äöüÄÖÜ) and the 
>> sharp s (ß) that don't display correctly now with FLTK 1.3 (they are 
>> ISO-8859-1 encoded). Although I think that I read that they should be 
>> recognized and "translated" automagically, but maybe I'm 
>> wrong. Adding 
>> conversion functions or translating the character constants to utf-8 
>> would be my other options. And I didn't think about input 
>> characters yet...
> OK, this is interesting... Does it fail to render the ISO-8859-1 characters 
> on all platforms, or is it only on linux?
> There's something I saw in the linux parts of my utf8 code that might be 
> implicated here... But if it isn't working on OSX or win32 either it may be a 
> more general problem. Either way, I expected that this should work so if it 
> does not...

It's okay on Windows, but fails on Linux with local X display and remote 
(Windows) X display as well.

> Do you know what numeric value the offending glyphs have, BTW? I don't have 
> my ISO-8859-1 stuff here...

Umlaut / special char.:       AE   OE   UE   ae   oe   ue   ss
Umlaut / special char.:       Ä    Ö    Ü    ä    ö    ü    ß
ISO 8859-1 (ISO Latin 1)     196  214  220  228  246  252  223

For non-Germans: the german Umlauts can alternatively be written as the base 
character with an appended 'e' or 'E', resp., the sharp as a double s, but 
pronounced 'sz'.

I remember that it worked with your utf-8 patch, too, but I tested only windows.

The other point (input characters): Although FLTK renders the ISO characters 
correctly, it returns utf-8 characters, if the non-ASCII characters are entered 
in an Fl_Input, e.g. (IIRC). I would have to convert this back to ISO-8859-1 
anyway, because my server "speaks" ISO-8859-1 only (with an additional Euro 

I'll investigate further, and maybe open another thread, when I found more. But 
if you can shed some light on this Linux problem, I'd appreciate it.

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