Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>>>> I suspect this doesn't work all that well, particularly on 
>>> linux/XFT,
>>>> where I suspect that this workaround is partly inhibited by 
>>> my decision
>>>> to render the text strings using XftDrawStringUtf8() directly.
>>> Ah, meanwhile I checked that I use xft on linux. I'll try again without,
>>> just to see what happens.
>> If you were able to try a parallel build, one with XFT, and one without,
>> then I'd very much welcome the feedback (although if you do find a
>> problem I'll likely not be in a position to fix it all that soon!)
> Okay, I tested it on Linux with and without XFT, and I tested it on the 
> Linux pc with local X display and with remote X display on my windows 
> pc. There's no difference visible :-(
> All the Linux versions (with different fonts) I tested don't display 
> ISO-8859-1 characters "correctly" (well, they don't convert them to 
> utf-8 and display this correctly would be more precise, right?).
> The Windows version, however, does. I'll append two small png images: 
> utf8-linux.png (gray) and utf8-windows.png (XP-default color, is it 
> beige in english?).
> The two strings should display "abcäöüßÄÖÜëxyz..." - the first is ISO 
> encoded, the second is utf-8.

Update: I just found out that I didn't really use Xft in my tests, because I 
didn't have the header files installed :-( (USE_XFT was always defined as 0, 
although I configured with --enable-xft).

After installing the (debian) package libxft-dev, USE_XFT is defined as 1, and 
there are some xft-related warnings when compiling.

Now there is a difference: the ISO string is now truncated at the first 
character, i.e. it displays "iso-8859-1: abc" only, but the utf-8 string is 

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