On 2013-02-28, at 8:15 PM, Albrecht Schlosser <ajs856s...@go4more.de> wrote:
> On 01.03.2013 01:04, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>> On 02/28/13 15:24, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>>> We'll need to take care of this for the next release. Unfortunately there
>>> are several places with version numbers that need to be adjusted manually
>>> for each release. :-(
>>      We probably should have a checklist as part of the CMP, or similar
>>      document to describe the release process, so that we don't miss anything
>>      obvious.
> I've started developing such a checklist. It's only a raw list for now,
> but I've managed to describe a few search commands (grep... | cut... | 
> sort...) and so on to FIND the version numbers in the source files.
> (And, BTW, I still found a few old version numbers, see svn r

FWIW, I added checks to the CUPS makesrcdist script that verifies that all of 
the source files have the correct version number.  Feel free to copy:


> ...
> Oh, and another question: WHEN do we upgrade the version number(s)?
>  (a) immediately after one release, for the next release, or
>  (b) short before the next release ?

I generally advocate bumping the version number as soon as a change is 
committed after a release.  But whatever works process-wise, it is important 
for the SVN repository to have a different version number than the released 
version as soon as it differs.

Michael Sweet

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