On Fri, 1 Mar 2013, MacArthur, Ian (Selex ES, UK) wrote:

Oh, and another question: WHEN do we upgrade the version number(s)?

  (a) immediately after one release, for the next release, or

What Mike said: As soon as *anything* in SVN changes after a release, we need to 
"bump" the version numbers in some way.

Ideally, I suppose, we might bump it to a "temporary" number, then change that to the "formal" number for the next release, so that folks can determine if the build they have is a formal release or some svn checkout or something...? (I sort of have this in some of my own builds,

Suggestion: After the release is done, append "post" to the version number.

Rgds, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
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