On 1 Mar 2013, at 15:39, Greg Ercolano wrote:

> On 03/01/13 01:33, MacArthur, Ian (Selex ES, UK) wrote:
>> What Mike said: As soon as *anything* in SVN changes after a release, we 
>> need to "bump" the version numbers in some way.
>       Or, just change it immediately after release.
>       Changing the version number is itself a change, and would therefore 
> bump the svn version#.

Ah, fair point.
Though in a sort of "self-fulfilling prophecy" kinda way...

>       Right, I think linux (or something) used even release numbers for dev 
> (.0, .2, etc),
>       and odd numbers for release versions (eg. .1, .3, etc).

Yes - I always quite liked that, but they stopped doing it that way...

>       Or, we could work the SVN version number into Enumerations.H
>       (eg. FL_SCCS_VERSION?) which might be nice to have anyway so that
>       someone with an app can see the FLTK version /and/ SCCS #.
>       I think svn allows for hook scripts to be triggered whenever there's
>       a checkin for this kind of thing. Pretty sure cvs had this too.

I use svnversion for this in my own build script, but you are right, the svn 
hooks can probably do this in a neater way.

>       Not sure what that number becomes if we ever move to git, though..

What it becomes, as you know, is a human-opaque string of gibberish...

(Technically I understand why it is like that, but I really can't believe we 
couldn't figure out some way to hide that behind some human-friendly index...)

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