> On 06.02.2012 12:30, M3taSpl0it wrote:
> > I appreciate the time and help of yours but still confused. I'm fairly good 
> > in C++ but eager to know in deep the working of fltk.
> >
> >>> I want to know when some event occurs, the information is sent to FLTK 
> >>> window, Which has two version of handle() and handle(int x) (I'm not even 
> >>> sure what they do, just know they get/set the events). I am also not sure 
> >>> that every widget also got the same handle() versions?. Which in turn 
> >>> calls the some other functions to call my call_back() to handle the event 
> >>> which was set by my like FL_widget_mine->callback(Handle_it);
> >>
> >> Each (widget) class has its own handle(int event) method. All events
> >> are delivered to the widget's handle method. The widget (class) then
> >> does some actions or ignores the event. Eventually, the event() method
> >> calls the callback, if something happened that is "important enough"
> >> to call the user's callback function. For an input widget, this is
> >> when the contents was changed, and/or the widget is left (e.g. with
> >> a mouse click on another widget or by typing tab). You can change
> >> this for any widget by using the when() method in a limited way,
> >> depending on the class's ability (see the particular docs).
> >
> > "All events are delivered to the widget's handle method". Please be more 
> > precise with working. I want to know Who deleviers the event to widget and 
> > using what syntax, handle() or handle(int) ?
> Where did you find a handle() method, as opposed to handle(int event)?
> I don't think there is one as a class method, but only as an internal
> function in the FLTK core. But maybe I'm wrong...
> Anyway, to answer your question: When you call Fl::run(), you establish
> the FLTK event loop that waits for OS events (I won't be more precise
> here, because this is an OS dependent beast). Whenever FLTK (the core)
> receives an event, it usually also gets a window id and sends the event
> to the window specified by the OS. There are exceptions for modal
> windows, but this is not important here. Eventually the Fl_Window's
> handle(int event) method is called.
> Now the window's handle method (I always mean handle(int event) here
> and later) dispatches the event and decides what to do. Usually this
> will call its parent (Fl_Group) class's handle method. Fl_Group will
> then either handle the event directly, or determine to which child the
> event is related and call this child's handle method. If this child is
> an Fl_Group (derived) widget, this will recursively go on.
> As I wrote before, eventually a widget may decide that the callback
> should be called and calls the callback function registered by the
> user.
> Albrecht

I really really really appreciate your efforts to help me and others here. 
Thanks a lot :)
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