On 02/06/12 02:35, Beamon wrote:
> What's the actual difference between those two?

        Weighing in late, but thought I'd add:

        > handle() is the method through which all events are sent to the 
        > callback() is triggered at the whim of the logic of the widget.

        handle() may be called many, many times, depending on what events the
        widget expressed an interest in receiving; key presses, mouse clicks,
        mouse drags, focus, entry + leaving of the mouse.

        Usually handle() is a big switch() statement that checks all the
        different kinds of events.

        handle() becomes part of the event delivery hierarchy whenever FLTK
        internally processes the flow of events through all the widgets.

        callback() would only be triggered a few times when "significant"
        events occur for the widget, eg. called once for a button widget
        when the button is pressed.
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