On 07/18/12 00:43, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> Am 17.07.2012 11:58, jseb wrote:
>> I'm using Fl_Table widget , amongst others widgets (Fl_Input, Fl_Output,…)
>> When navigating with keyboard, i «cross» the boundary of the table.
>> I mean, when i'm on the first row, «UP» cursor key put the focus on the
>> widget above the table (same thing for columns, with «LEFT»/«RIGHT»
>> cursor keys).
>> With the samples shipped with FLTK, the focus stays in the table.
>> I tried and reproduced the problem, adding a «Fl_Output» widget to one of
>> the table sample. But i lose focus only if i move with cursor key at the
>> very beginning. Otherwise, cursor keys won't leave the table.
>> I'm doing same thing as the samples, but i lose focus. I don't understand.
>> I don't have something special for event handling on the main window,
>> which could «pump» the events on the other widgets.
>> So the question is: can i force a widget to keep the keyboard focus, when
>> it's selected ? (until the user clicks elsewhere).
> There's a global FLTK setting in 1.3 that *should* be set OFF in FLTK
> 1.3 (the default), but can be changed. Maybe you changed it? However,
> reading your description again, since this seems to be different with
> the stock FLTK examples, this may not be the cause. Anyway, ...
> This option can be seen/changed in Fluid (Menu: Edit/Global FLTK
> settings), the 2nd setting is "Arrow Keys move Focus". Please check
> "User Settings" as well as "System Settings". Both should be default
> or off. See the tooltips of these options for an explanation.
> That said, if these options are off or default, then Fl_Table might
> not check this setting and should perhaps be changed to do so. Greg
> may know more about Fl_Table though.

        I didn't quite understand this one.

        If you think it's a bug with Fl_Table, it'd be good if you could
        open an STR and post a code example that demonstrates the problem
        and I'll try to look into it.

        This issue is with 1.3.x svn current?

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