On 17 Jan 2013, at 22:54, George wrote:

> I am trying to insert a gif into a window but even though i use FL_GIF_Image 
> and even the picture is .gif , it' s still looking just like a normal static 
> picture in the window.

Fltk's built-in GIF handling does not support animated GIF's, only static GIF's.

Somebody (maybe Albrecht? Can't recall now, it was a while ago...) did post 
patches to implement animated GIF's, but that was some time (years) ago, and 
there seemed to be no demand for that ability, so it never happened...

Your best bet is probably to just make your own widget to unpack the frames 
from the GIF and then animate them - I don't have any code lying around for 
handling GIF's any more, so nothing to suggest there, but it is not that hard.

For the animation, well, start with Greg's example here and see how you get on: 


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