On 01/17/13 23:25, chris wrote:
>> Somebody (maybe Albrecht? Can't recall now, it was a while ago...) did =
>> post patches to implement animated GIF's, but that was some time (years) =
>> ago, and there seemed to be no demand for that ability, so it never =
>> happened...
> That was probably this:
> http://www.fltk.org/newsgroups.php?s16+gfltk.general+v25+T0+Qanimated
> The link within is still working.

    Neat, was wondering about that.. glad you followed up with the link.

    The posting proposes a modification to fltk's Fl_GIF_Image code
    which adds quite a few public functions, notably:

  void animating(int zeroforno_oneforyes);     // False to freeze animation, 
true to run it. Default is true.
  int animating();                             // returns current animation 
status (0=set for not animating, 1=set for animating)
  void select_frame(unsigned int framenum);    // Used to select a given frame 
  unsigned int framecount();                   // how many frames in the gif
  unsigned int framedelay();                   // get #msecs between each frame
  void framedelay(unsigned int newdelay_msec); // set #msecs between each frame
  unsigned int repeatcount();                  // get repeat count
  void repeatcount(unsigned int newcount);     // set repeat count

    I know gifs can handle different delays between each frame,
    so perhaps some extra methods are needed if one wants to access/change
    that info.

    Also, the proposed mods makes use of the vector STL library (yes, now part 
of the C++ standard)
    which I /think/ we're still trying to avoid.. not sure. Some simple changes 
could solve that.
    Code would also need some doxygen docs.

    So some changes will be needed to that proposed patch to include in fltk..

    I'll check to see if that code has been submitted as an STR, and if not,
    I can submit an STR on his behalf (he did say we could add his code to FLTK)
    with the code as attachments, so that we at least have a copy of the work
    even if the author's link goes stale..

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