OK, so if you had to rename new fluxus, what would you
call it??  I've always been partial to weebles..mostly
the weeble circus..could we call it weeble
circus?..seriously though, what would you rename it as
if you had the opportunity? amy b casey

happy turkey(or not) and pumpkin pie!

--- Sol Nte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "allen bukoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writ
> >"few if  any of the remaining original-Fluxus
> artists or official Fluxus
> >Art
> >Historians have much of any desire or interest to
> support an entirely new
> >Fluxus with new people and new approaches.  Perhaps
> I am wrong about "
> Allen,
> I think that a couple of years ago Fluxlist got hit
> quite hard by what you
> describe and from which it never really recovered.
> It's a shame you haven't kept up all the sites and
> hard work you did to
> establish Fluxus on the web, you were really
> pioneering stuff, you know.
> cheers,
> Sol.

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