hi ann,

first of all CONGRATULATIONS for your show on 18 december. where is it going to be
when you settle down after all of this we will all enjoy hearing more about the
fluxfest and seeing some of the photos. odd about the 'fine art' students but it
is quite possible they aren't that well informed about fluxus. i have ordered
hannah higgens book and am looking forward to reading and learning more and she
surely has had an inside seat on all of it.

best of luck with your show, carol

Ann Klefstad wrote:

> Yes, show is documented, digi photos of the show itself, and video of
> performances (2 evenings), Hannah's, and a performance by music students and
> art education students (oddly, the "Fine Art" students didn't participate.
> The art ed students came in numbers) of a new composition based on some of
> Dick's sound/typography pieces, and of some of the event scores in the show.
> The third evening of performance, the flux-related one of regional
> performers (dance, music, etc) had to be indefinitely postponed as, a day
> before it was scheduled to happen, the venue (the venerable NorShor Theater,
> a stalwart producer of interesting and odd performance of all kinds, our own
> little Kitchen/CBGBs/LaMaMa avatar) closed abruptly, locked door, and we
> couldn't even get in to get PA to move performance. Arg. It will happen, but
> it'll have to wait til after my own show opens Dec 18.
> As will the construction of website with these images. Will happen, will
> happen! Promise.
> AK
> On 11/26/03 10:14 AM, "Carol Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi ann,
> >
> > good to hear 'first hand' report on fluxus and your conversation with hannah
> > higgins.
> > could you tell us more about the 'fluxfest' at tweed? do you have any photos
> > of
> > it?
> >
> > bests, carol
> > xx
> >
> > Ann Klefstad wrote:
> >
> >> Brief convrsation with Hannah Higgins when she was here to do a "performance
> >> lecture" of / on her father's work. Asked her about the related
> >> controversies of Maciunas->Friedman->NewFlux and (dethrone Maciunas who was
> >> never really king anyway) -> OldGuard -> No New Fluxus!  Got something like
> >> this, although this is my own take, not Hannah's, of what seemed to have
> >> happened:  Maciunas in his dotage assuming right to control and designate
> >> who was who and what in Fluxus, a right or privilege he hadn't been granted
> >> by anyone else (reminiscent of Breton but w/ differences), set Ken up for a
> >> fall by designating him Crown Prince, to many OldGuard types' dismay and
> >> annoyance. Rather than dealing with Ken on the terms of his own work, there
> >> apparently has been a sort of old-New-York-Dowager attempt to just sort of
> >> snub and freeze him out of "our people" on the part of the Old
> >> Dowagers/OldFlxGuard. (I picture tiaras. "fun" parties. Finger sandwiches
> >> with real fingers.) And anyone else that is seen as "new people" are
> >> apparently regarded in the same way--interlopers trying to become part of
> >> the in group. This seems like a really silly way to be artists, but
> >> hey--takes all kinds. Although from this story it seems not everyone feels
> >> that way.
> >>
> >> One could, to gratify the Old Guard, take the subaltern position and become
> >> fans, groupies, "Fluxites." (I kind of like the mineral air of this term . .
> >> .)   Or one could could, as Bowman proposes so interestingly, just take the
> >> word for the people, demoticize it, decapitalize it, make it a common noun,
> >> and be fluxus.
> >>
> >> Makes evident the downside of having a cohesive community that has a long
> >> history of working together (doubtless a wonderful thing in itself): it can
> >> tend to make one comfey and suspicious of others who want to share that
> >> comfort. Or whom you suspect of that motive. Very like a university
> >> department in the division between tenured and adjunct faculty.
> >>
> >> Jesus Christ.
> >>
> >> Too poor for capital letters,
> >>
> >> AK
> >>
> >> On 11/25/03 8:47 AM, "Sol Nte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>> From: "allen bukoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writ
> >>>> "few if  any of the remaining original-Fluxus artists or official Fluxus
> >>>> Art
> >>>> Historians have much of any desire or interest to support an entirely new
> >>>> Fluxus with new people and new approaches.  Perhaps I am wrong about "
> >>>
> >>> Allen,
> >>>
> >>> I think that a couple of years ago Fluxlist got hit quite hard by what you
> >>> describe and from which it never really recovered.
> >>>
> >>> It's a shame you haven't kept up all the sites and hard work you did to
> >>> establish Fluxus on the web, you were really pioneering stuff, you know.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Sol.
> >>>
> >>>
> >

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