Iian Neill wrote:
> Although there are plenty of blogs and forums on programming out there, it's
> really sad that there isn't some mass medium for programming literacy -- and
> I suspect that a big part of it is that, despite its many documented flaws, 
> at least had a small and graspable vocabulary that didn't require any header
> files, libraries, drivers, compilers, IDEs, or profiling tools.

The Sinclair machines even took advantage of BASIC's limited and fixed
vocabulary to work around their bad keyboards by putting one keyword per
key and having a mode based input system. This eliminated many cases of
typing expressions with bad syntax, which was really helpful for
beginners. The tile based syntax of Scratch and Etoys is a modern way of
getting the same effect.

I totally agree with you about magazines and books still being needed in
this age of blogs, which is why I am really glad that the magazine for
the Raspberry Pi has reached its third issue already with some
interesting listings for the users to type into their machines:


The first books about the machine is about to come out (I am sure there
will be others):


The idea of a computer with Logo in ROM instead of BASIC was mentioned
in this thread. I did build such a machine in 1983, but it was never
released commercially, unfortunately:


There were four implementations of Logo for the BBC Micro which were
supplied as ROMs, so that machine should probably count:


This Soviet clone of the Sinclair Spectrum added the following ROM
"modes": CP/M, Forth and Logo


-- Jecel

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