On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, Vadim Plessky wrote:

> On Friday 12 October 2001 17:27, Sergej Malinovski wrote:
> |   Vadim Plessky wrote:
> [...]
> |   First of all, the font editor is not ready. Second, I don't like the
> |   Arial typeface, so I have to disappoint you on this. I will probably
> |   start with a mono-spaced font for my terminal usage and then move on to
> |   a proportional font similar to Trebuchet MS.
> Ok, if you want good editor - you should use FontLab (www.fontlab.com)
> It's not free and costs $400 which is quite low price comparing to its 
> quality. 
> I know that it's much better to use some open-source tool, but there is none 
> available.
> Still 400 bucks is *some money*, and I can't afford it just for *hobby*.
> There are some people from major Linux distributions subscribed on list.
> May be, one of you can convinience management to buy one (or two) copy and 
> make it availbe to enthusiasts, like Sergej?

        AFAIR, Yury Jarmola (the author of FontLab) gave a free copy to
someone who made cyrillic fonts for Linux (was it Valery Ushakov?).

        But those who are skillful in this area tell that FontLab isn't
good in *drawing* the outlines -- for that task they use Fontographer
(a pirate copy of which is very easy to find together with a license on
anonymous ftp).

        BTW, just of interest: I've heard that serious font designing
companies (like Adobe, Monotype, B&H) use URW's package named "Ikarus".
Can someone confirm this?

          Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
          The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
          Novosibirsk, Russia

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