On Friday 12 October 2001 16:59, Sergej Malinovski wrote:
|   Vadim Plessky wrote:
|   > Before continuing this thread, and making any suggestions further,
|   > please explain what experience with fonts you have.
|   Heh, that depends on how you define experience, and on the type of
|   fonts you have in mind.

Under "good font", I understand MS/Monotype Arial and Times New Roman 
TrueType fonts, Adobe Nueva and Minion (BTW, Minion is very close to 
"excellent", 4.5 balls from 5)
Under "excellent" font, I understand "Linotype Palatino" (5 balls, that's it!)
Unfortunately, I don't have other Linotype/B&S fonts, so can't tell wether 
*all* font from Linotype/B&S are of such good quality.

|   > What I have seen from all your posts that you just don't understand
|   > what you are speaking about.
|   Well, I could say something along these line to you, but such
|   statements won't take us anywhere... If you want discuss something, use
|   good arguments instead of broad generalisations like the one you just
|   made. It's a good way to not argue my valid points in my last reply,
|   though.
|   If I don't understand what I talking about, why cannot you share you
|   wisdom with me and the other scholars on this list? If you really have
|   a grip on all font things, can we see your works that we can learn
|   from? Have you made any great fonts? What experience do *you* have?

>From the work which I did recently and what I could make public, you can 
check my KDE themes (both initial release and latest "KDE mini-Themes")
Note that I did "KDE mini-Themes" in response to IBM KDE Themes Contest 
results, and consider them as some kind of "joke". 

As about fonts - I was involved in font development in 1991-1993, mostly it 
was PostScript-oriented (T1). I was *not doing any fonts (outlines)* at that 
time, but was speaking to designers, asking questions, learning, etc.
Indeed, I am not quite familiar with Type1 hinting, looked through TrueType 
hinting but found it too complex and decided that it [TT] doesn't worth my 
(expensive) time.
I did manual hinting for several fonts I have, but as FreeType 2.0.4 doesn't 
support native PS Type1 hnts, I decided postpone everything till the moment 
it can support. David Turner recently (couple of days ago) released FT branch 
with support for PS auto-hinter which will evolve ionto FT 2.0.6.
I plan to test it (when snapshot available) and see how good FT can render 
glyphs with native PS Type1 hints.
If quality is good, may be, I will release some fonts. No idea, though, what 
kind of license it will be.
For example, I think that URW fonts (part of GS) are of average quality but 
have some potential. May be, I will releae improved version of them 
(Latin-only). As these fonts are under GPL, my fonts wil be under GPL as well.

It can be, indeed, that I will *buy* (for myself) license for some good 
font(s), which will include Cyrillic (which is required for my native 
language, Russian).
Most likely, I will make such font "freely available for personal use but not 
*distributable* for free". So, it will be some kind of AFPL-like license 
GhostScript guys have for commercial GS version, or QT-like license for 
commercial version of QT.
Nut I made no decision on it (yet).
On top of KDE project (which can benefit from good fonts, especially KOffice 
and Konqueror), the only other visible candidate [program which needs good 
fonts] is OpenOffice/StarOffice. 
I haven't settled my attitude to OO/StarOffice at a moment.
StarOffice is owned by Sun, and, frankly speaking, I don't want some "big fat 
company" using for free work I do, especially if I did financial investment 
in my work.
Hope I answered some of your questions .
Please do not hesitate to ask more  ;-)

Vadim Plessky
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