PS> Yes, everything can be done from $HOME/.Xsession or $HOME/.profile
PS> however that is complex and fragile.
PS> But if I think that XF86Config file is complex, then $HOME/.Xsession or
PS> $HOME/.profile are much worst! (well, usually they are quite small,
PS> but there is virtually no limit to what you can put on them)

I was actually thinking of a machine-maintained .private-fonts that is
sourced by the system-wide session file.  Assuming that you document
the fact that the user is not allowed to munge this file, it would be
almost equivalent to having the configuration mechanism you're proposing.

In other words: the main problem you're describing is the lack of a
well-defined boundary between user- and machine-maintained
configuration files, a problem that is rampant throughout Unix-like

Keith is right, though, that it would confuse the hell out of xset fp

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