On Apr 12, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Glenn Adams <gl...@skynav.com> wrote:
> Agreed that removing forrest dependency is desirable. However, presumably the 
> current xdocs would need to be converted to MD, in which case someone will 
> need to construct an XSLT to do so. That begs the question of whether it 
> would be necessary (at this time) to convert the source format to MD, or if 
> an additional step in the CMS based process could merely perform that step 
> automatically. If so, then it should not be necessary to change the authoring 
> format at this time. It could be done as a separate step later.

I am using Forrest 0.8 w markdown plugin. Conversion could be scripted, but 
that would negate the benefit of the CMS. 

> What I don't know yet is what we will lose from the conversion to MD in terms 
> of ability to markup our source docs. Clearly, MD is not as semantically or 
> syntactically rich as an XML based source. But do we lose anything of 
> consequence? I don't know yet.
> One thing we may lose if we don't convert to MD is the ability to use CMS 
> in-page editing. So that is a consideration. Perhaps that option is 
> sufficient to justify other potential negatives in converting.
> G.

One of my goals, was to see some discussion in the DEVers, before I complete 
the task of converting the docs. The MarkDown format is not nearly as semantic 
as xdoc, but it serves a different purpose. 

It'll take some time, and I'm still prepared to take it on. But I was hoping 
for some discussion ;-)

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