The default width for tables is 100%. I just used 100mm as an example
here. In any case it's better to specify the width even if you put
width="100%" otherwise FOP will give you an INFO message indicating that
it is "assuming width="100%""



nancy_b wrote:
> Hi dear Patrick!
> I use the same FOP version as you have. By the way, what is the default
> width for tables? I see that you specified width="100mm"?
> Regards,
> Nancy
> Patrick Paul wrote:
>> Hi Nancy,
>> I do not believe this is an FOP bug. Could you tell us what version of
>> FOP you are using?
>> As well try to run then .fo I have included at the end of this message.
>> It uses proportional-column-width and I have no problems with FOP 0.93.
>> Let us know if it works.
>> Patrick
>> nancy_b wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Well, I tried a workaround that Bob Stayton suggests: specifying a
>>> proportional column width for all of my tables. Then I compiled and guess
>>> what: the same annoying message is present: WARNING: table-layout="fixed"
>>> and column-width unspecified => falling back to
>>> proportional-column-width(1)
>>> Is this a FOP bug?
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <fo:root xmlns:fo="";>
>> <fo:layout-master-set>
>>   <fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4">
>>     <fo:region-body />
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>>     <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
>>     <fo:table-header>
>>       <fo:table-row>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block font-weight="bold">Country</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block font-weight="bold">Capital</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>       </fo:table-row>
>>     </fo:table-header>
>>     <fo:table-body>
>>       <fo:table-row>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block>Canada</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block>Ottawa</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>       </fo:table-row>
>>       <fo:table-row>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block>France</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>         <fo:table-cell>
>>           <fo:block>Paris</fo:block>
>>         </fo:table-cell>
>>       </fo:table-row>
>>     </fo:table-body>
>>     </fo:table>
>>   </fo:flow>
>> </fo:page-sequence>
>> </fo:root>

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