
I am getting a little confused about what you are doing exactly. If you
are getting the warning message you quoted in the other thread then it
is a problem with the column-width you specified (or failed to specify)
for your columns. As far as I know there is no colwidth property in XSL-FO.

Now if you didn't specify a width for your tables then you will get the
following INFO message:

INFO: table-layout="fixed" and width="auto", but auto-layout not
supported => assuming width="100%"

If you still have problems could you try sending us a minimal but
complete self-contained FO document that demonstrates the problem. Then
we would really be able to help you and tell you what's wrong.



nancy_b wrote:
> So this is may be the problem: I specified colwidth and and not width of
> table?
> Regards,
> Nancy
> Patrick Paul wrote:
>> The default width for tables is 100%. I just used 100mm as an example
>> here. In any case it's better to specify the width even if you put
>> width="100%" otherwise FOP will give you an INFO message indicating that
>> it is "assuming width="100%""
>> Cheers,
>> Patrick

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