Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Links in SVG are supported but only to external destinations, i.e.
> external URLs. Support for internal destinations from SVG back into the
> parent FO document hasn't been implemented, yet.

I had problems even with internal URL's until I found out I wasn't
running the current stable of fop (which I had installed into my home
dir) but the system version (which is ancient) ... duh ...

> To implement this, I think a special PDFAElementBridge would be needed
> which is aware of the FO IDs and their location. This would have to be
> plugged into the PDFSVGHandler. Not sure how difficult this would be to
> implement, but it can't be that hard. Want to try? I can probably give
> you a few more pointers if you want.

I'd love to try but at the moment I shouldn't take the time for
this. However, a workflow which allows to produce nice PDF's with
embedded graphics which support links is exactly what I need at the
moment. So maybe I will take a look .. I'm crazy enough to be
interested ;-). I'll check out the source and try to grok something

The Problem is, that I really have no idea, how FO really works. On
the other hand, I probably don't need to. Since external URL's are
already implemented, it really should not be very difficult since
internal links are also implemented albeit not for SVG. So I probably
could take that code and somehow adapt it to work with SVG's ... at
least I could try.

So if you can give me a pointer, I'll listen. I can't promise to be
able to contribute something though.


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