Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It just occurred to me that as an alternative we could simply track all
> XSL-FO IDs unconditionally. 

That was, what I was thinking about. As a very first step, I want to
implement just the Renderer part: Resolve the internal id references
if and only if they have been registered with the IdTracker already. 

If I have that, the next step is to get the target id's into the
IdTracker and it has already occured to me, why not just add all
id's, if that is not, what is already done (from your comments, it's

> That would make scanning the SVG (or HTML or MathML) for links
> unnecessary. 

Exactly. That would need an extension of Image and so on. I had
thought of giving Image (or a baseclass) a list of resolvables and
subclassing Image with a special SVGImage which would then do the
parsing and store the created SVG DOM Tree to be reused at render

However, this seems to be FAR more complicated then just registering
all id's ...

> The overhead is probably even smaller and could actually have
> additional side-benefits for certain special use cases. For example,
> we could have an event that notifies the FOP-User which ID has its
> first (and last) area on which page. The area tree (and AT XML) size
> would increase a bit but I don't think by much (String plus
> PageViewport reference per destination).

Sounds reasonable :-)

> On 03.09.2008 09:35:52 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
>> Hmm, you're right. This is more complicated that I thought. Getting the
>> actual position of a link destination on a page is easily done with
>> information from PDFRenderer. 

This is, where I am standing currently. My problem is getting exactly
that information.

I can use PDFRenderer.getPDFGoToForID(targetID, pvKey), however, for
that I need to already know the pvKey. As far as I understand, I could
get that information form the IdTracker but after lot's of grepping
and reading through the source code I could not find a way to access
the AreaTreeManager from the PDFRenderer.

So my question at the moment is: a) How do I get at the page viewport
key given an id or more specifically b) How do I access the
AreaTreeManager from PDFRenderer.

>> Maybe that helps. I hope I didn't scare you too much.

No, you have cleared up lots of points which I guessed but was way from
sure about.

I'd try to continue along the way assuming the register-all-id's stuff
could work. And even if that would NOT work (register-all-id's), I
think i would be MUCH farther ... as a last resort I can always hack
references into the surrounding code, if needed even using some xslt
to preprocess the fo+svg stuff (which is already generated from
docbook in my case so adding some more xslt is realtively straight
forward). Quite a hack and not a general solution but it could at
least work for the moment :-) and I'm at the point where I'd be
grateful for ANY working solution (I have not found ANY way to produce
a PDF file with embeded images containing links into the PDF ... that
is, using open source technology).

Many thanks for all your insight. I feel, this could even lead
somewhere :-)


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