Replying to my own post since I have gotten a little bit further.

Implementing internal links seems to be more complicated than I had
expected. As far as I understand, internal links are resolved within
the area tree before the tree is rendered. An (external) SVG image
resource howvever is only parsed at the render stage. 

However, I could get further if I could access the AreaTreeManager
(and thereby its IdTracker) from the PDFANode. However, I could not
find any way to get there (I have the PDFGraphics2D object and I can
get the PDFDocument or RendererContext but I could not find a
reference to the AreaTreeManager anywhere).

I know, this is probably not the correct way to do this (I would need
to somehow create a LinkResolver for every link in the SVG file while
creating the area tree but at the moment that is way over my head). I
hope, I can resolve the id's by just querying the IdTracker. This will
possibly only work when the id is referenced from some other place,
but it would be a start.

Any pointer how to proceed?

And maybe I got everything completely wrong. If so, could someone
please set me right?


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