--- In Forum-Pembaca-Kompas@yahoogroups.com, "gceyung" <gcey...@...> wrote:
> Rudyanto wrote:
> "Dikatakan pula bahwa radiasi di bulan mengharuskan para astronaut dilindungi 
> dengan timah setebal 4 kaki (1,2 meter)."
> Ini sungguhan atau gaya hiperbola pak? reaktor nuklir aja cuma perlu 15 cm 
> baja ditambah 10 cm timah untuk menjaga radiasinya. 1,2 meter timah bisa 
> cukup untuk melindungi manusia dari ledakan bom atom.

Mungkin perlu dilihat dulu skalanya. reaktor nuklir kok dibandingkan dengan 
sumber radiasi yang ada di bulan, bisa-bisa skalanya 1:1000..., silakan tambah 
sendiri nolnya :)

Mungkin belum sempat lihat topik RADIATION pada link yang saya beri sebelumnya 
yaitu http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicapollo.html
Saya bantu kutipannya sbb:
Radiation plays a big part in space travel. Solar flares could have affected 
the astronauts at any time. The Apollo leaving Earth would travel through 2 
specific areas of very high radiation called the Van Allen Belt. The first 
field is 272 miles out from Earth. The amount of radiation in the belts 
actually varies from year to year, but every 11 years its at its worst when the 
sunspot cycle is at its highest. And guess what? 1969 to 1970 was one of the 
worst times to go, as this was the time where the radiation was at its peak. I 
have had numerous internet chats with sceptics who say that the radiation would 
not play a part in the missions because Man would have not been in the 
radiation belt for too long. My answer to that is, when Dentists or Doctors 
take X ray pictures they either leave the room or stand behind a sheet of thick 
lead to shelter from the radiation. Why did NASA only use a small sheet of 
aluminium to protect the astronauts when they knew that the radiation levels in 
Space and on the Moon's surface would be many hundreds of times more deadly? 
And why would they risk their astronauts to such conditions? In 1959 Bill 
Kaysing was privy to a study made by the Russians. The Russians discovered that 
the radiation on the moon would require astronauts to be clothed in four feet 
of lead to avoid being killed. Why didn't NASA heed their warnings?

Jadi ini berdasarkan penemuan orang Rusia kalau butuh 4 kaki timah (1,2 meter 
timah) untuk melindung manusia dari kematian di bulan.

> Heran anda bisa menemukan link tentang perlunya lapisan timah 1,2 meter untuk 
> melindungi radiasi di bulan tapi tidak berhasil menemukan link tentang tidak 
> begitu berbahayanya radiasi sabuk van allen bagi astronout.
> Dr. James Van Allen sendiri akhirnya mengatakan: "The recent Fox TV show, 
> which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The 
> claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been 
> fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense."
Silakan diberikan linknya dulu. Jangan Wikipedia, nanti saya bisa edit juga lho 

Seringkali saya lihat beberapa orang melihat suatu berita sepenggal-sepenggal, 
jadinya pemahamannya kurang pas.

Mungkin untuk memahami apa yang bisa diakibatkan oleh SOLAR FLARES, silakan 
mencoba untuk nonton film KNOWING yang dibintangi oleh Nicholas Cage. 

Best Regards,
We can't be absolutely sure of anything that goes on up there, unless we go up 
there ourselves, like space tourists

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