
I was recently in a very uncomfortable situation, with precious
uncommitted data in the current checkout and the need to change where
the checkout "current commit" points to.

As far as I can tell, that's exactly what `fossil checkout --keep` is
for, but my attempts were met with the message "there are unsaved
changes in the current checkout" and an error status code.

Is it really needed?

I hate dealing with precious data, even with backups and all sorts of
safety nets, because nothing is ever 100% reliable. So this error
message caused me a significant cognitive load, to triple-check that
everything was as I thought it was and that --forcing the command would
indeed do what I thought it would do.

Now I'm obviously biased by this experience, and that might make be
blind to a good reason to keep the current behavior. So I'm just humbly
asking whether we should keep the `fossil_fatal` for unsaved changes
when --keep flag is given.

Also, while looking at the code, I had the feeling that there is
unconditional disk-touching stuff that should be skipped with --keep,
but that's probably more debatable than the bias in the heat of the
moment made me think.

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