On 7/6/17, Natacha Porté <nata...@instinctive.eu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was recently in a very uncomfortable situation, with precious
> uncommitted data in the current checkout and the need to change where
> the checkout "current commit" points to.

That's what the "fossil update" command is for.

If you are current only checkin "a1234" and you have made edits, but
then you decide you want those edits to be applied to a different
checkin "b2345", you type:

    fossil up b2345

Fossil with then move the current checkout to b2345 and attempt to
merge all of your edits into that checkout.  This might result in
merge conflicts.  If so, and if you do not like what happens, you can
also do "fossil undo" to restore your state to exactly what it was
before you did the "fossil up".

If your edits are truly precious and you are concerned about losing
them, you can also run:

    fossil stash snapshot

To make a snapshot of your edits.  Then if something goes wrong, you
can always return to them later.

I do not remember what "fossil co --keep" is for.  I'm sure it has
some purpose.  But moving the current check-out is not that purpose.

> As far as I can tell, that's exactly what `fossil checkout --keep` is
> for, but my attempts were met with the message "there are unsaved
> changes in the current checkout" and an error status code.
> Is it really needed?
> I hate dealing with precious data, even with backups and all sorts of
> safety nets, because nothing is ever 100% reliable. So this error
> message caused me a significant cognitive load, to triple-check that
> everything was as I thought it was and that --forcing the command would
> indeed do what I thought it would do.
> Now I'm obviously biased by this experience, and that might make be
> blind to a good reason to keep the current behavior. So I'm just humbly
> asking whether we should keep the `fossil_fatal` for unsaved changes
> when --keep flag is given.
> Also, while looking at the code, I had the feeling that there is
> unconditional disk-touching stuff that should be skipped with --keep,
> but that's probably more debatable than the bias in the heat of the
> moment made me think.
> Natasha
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