
on Thursday 06 July 2017 at 10:59, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 7/6/17, Natacha Porté <nata...@instinctive.eu> wrote:
> > I was recently in a very uncomfortable situation, with precious
> > uncommitted data in the current checkout and the need to change where
> > the checkout "current commit" points to.
> That's what the "fossil update" command is for.

I'm afraid I didn't explain the situation clearly enough, or I have a
major misunderstanding of fossil commands.

I was under the impression that "fossil update" changes the "current
commit" not only in fossil book-keeping, but also in the file-system as
well, somewhat like "rebasing" the current set of changes to the
designated "current commit".

In shell terms, I understand "fossil update" to work like
$ diff -r virtual-reference/ ./ >/tmp/temporary-patch
$ fossil revert
$ fossil checkout $targetcommit
$ patch </tmp/temporary-patch

On the other hand, the situation in which I was is the checkout being
already in the desired state, but fossil having recorded a wrong
commit as current, so I would need a change of current commit while
preserving the whole file system, instead of preserving a diff.

In shell terms, I'm looking for something equivalent to:
$ mkdir ../tmp-checkout
$ cd ../tmp-checkout
$ fossil open /path/to/fosisl
$ fossil checkout $targetcommit
$ cp -r ../working-checkout/* ./
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf working-checkout
$ mv tmp-checkout working-checkout

I agree that it shouldn't happen, and indeed doesn't happen often, while
"fossil update" is routinely used when everything is well.

I happens to me most often (in situations where data is not precious) in
a situation like the one described by Warren Young, with several
checkout directories, and somehow a directory with an older checkout
gets newer files.

For example, I got this once when I tested a few independent features
which overlap in the affected code, before committing any of them. I
threw them together in the same checkout directory and do whatever
testing I felt needed. Later, when all the features but one are
committed, and the other checkout directories are used for other works,
I wanted to take this testing checkout, fast-forward to the branch head
without changing the files on disk, and I can directly commit.

It's a bit contrived, but less so then the other times I needed the

A "fossil update" then would try to reapply some changes that are
already in the checkout, unbeknownst to fossil, and I can't imagine it
would go well. Would fossil even realize some hunk are already applied
like patch does? Anyway, that would be a lot of a conflicts to solve,
while I know that the files on disk are actually merged.

On the other hand, the help says "The --keep option leaves files on disk
unchanged, except the manifest and manifest.uuid files." which seems to
do exactly the bookkeeping update I need.

Am I missing something?

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