Thus said Natacha Port? on Fri, 07 Jul 2017 09:43:56 -0000:

> (3) "fossil checkout --keep", which is advertised as changing the
> "current commit" pointer without touching the working directory, but
> bails out of there are unsaved changes.
> (4) "fossil checkout --keep --froce", which changes the "current commit"
> pointer whithout touching the working directory and accepts to do so
> when there are unsaved changes.

One must keep  in mind that both  (3) and (4) will not  attempt to merge
any changes that you have made to  managed files. This means that if you
have made significant changes to files that are not the same between the
current checkout and the new desired  target checkout, then you will end
up with a huge diff to figure out.

In any event, nothing has been lost. If you discover that you don't like
the state of affairs, you can return to where you were by doing

fossil checkout --keep --force <old-checkout>

Again, Fossil will not alter any files at all, but it will show you that
there are differences between the version  that you are at if there have
been edits made to files.

> Since "fossil checkout  --keep" is not supposed to  change the working
> checkout, is  it rightfully considered dangerous  as "fossil checkout"
> without flag? Or  should the code be updated to  have "fossil checkout
> --keep" not fail out when there are unsaved changes?

Are you  suggesting that --keep  should imply --force because  --keep is
non-destructive? Whereas, on the other hand, ``fossil checkout --force''
can be destructive?

> So  I  keep  my commit  as  small  as  possible  while still  being  a
> semantically self-contained  unit, so a typical  feature spans several
> commits. So when  developing a feature, I often end  up with a working
> directory  containing  changes  that  are actually  a  composition  of
> several future commits.

I think keeping your commits as  small as possible is fine, however, are
those potential future  commits a mixed bag of features?  If so, why are
you also  not developing those  features in different  branches? Perhaps
even  utilizing multiple  checkouts spread  over different  directories?
While Git  makes you clone multiple  times if you want  multiple working
checkout directories, Fossil does not, and  it makes for a nice workflow
if you start taking advantage of multiple open checkouts.

> Please consider the following very-simplified situation:
> ...
> $ fossil commit -m "Helper for the feature"
> $ cd ../work2
> $ fossil whatever is needed to make a commit that replaces B with BC
> What is the whatever here?

So you've made changes to data.txt in one commit in a different checkout
and now in the work2  checkout you have additional, uncommitted, changes
that potentially conflict?

As you can see:

$ fossil commit -m whatever 
would fork.  "update" first or use --allow-fork.

So,  Fossil knows  there are  additional changes  that haven't  yet been
merged  into your  work2 checkout.  What you  do at  this point  is your
choice. (1)  one choice  is to commit  the change (as  I suggested  in a
different email) using --allow-fork and  defer the decision of resolving
a merge until later. (2) another choice would be to commit the change to
a branch  using ``fossil commit  --branch newwork'' and again  defer the
merge until later. (3) you can  run ``fossil update'' which might result
in a clean merge, or it might result in conflicts to be resolved. If you
don't  like the  conflicts you  can bail  out using  ``fossil undo''  as
Richard suggested.

Here's 3:

$ fossil up                
MERGE data.txt
***** 1 merge conflicts in data.txt
updated-to:   2857ae3ebc14c271613d2e43207f3145daaaf3c8 2017-07-08 03:52:00 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      Helper for the feature (user: amb)
changes:      1 file modified.
WARNING: 1 merge conflicts
 "fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.

Yep, there's a conflict.  Now what? Well, undo if you  don't like it, or
begin fixing the conflicts. Open data.txt and you'll see this:

<<<<<<< BEGIN MERGE CONFLICT: local copy shown first <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
======= COMMON ANCESTOR content follows ============================
======= MERGED IN content follows ==================================
>>>>>>> END MERGE CONFLICT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You said you  wanted BC, so remove  all lines except the  line that says
BC. Then commit that change and you have resolved the conflict.

But, if you  don't like that approach, and instead  decide to undo, then
you can try  to use ``fossil checkout'' as you  suggested, but then find
that  Fossil wants  either --keep  or  --force because  there are  local
changes. You want to preserve them, so you use --keep:

$ fossil checkout --keep 2857ae3ebc
there are unsaved changes in the current checkout

You decide to use --keep and --force together, to switch to the checkout
where you added the Helper feature:

$ fossil checkout --force --keep 2857ae3ebc
$ fossil status
repository:   /tmp/work2/../repo.fossil
local-root:   /tmp/work2/
config-db:    /home/amb/.fossil
checkout:     2857ae3ebc14c271613d2e43207f3145daaaf3c8 2017-07-08 03:52:00 UTC
parent:       e7eaaad4085a702e6c4b89f171bb7b75d7b671f9 2017-07-08 03:51:07 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      Helper for the feature (user: amb)
EDITED     data.txt

Ok, so  now they are  ``merged'' right?  Wrong, no merging  has actually
happened, you  just got  lucky that  the changes  are small  enough. But
Fossil doesn't care,  you told it to switch the  commit pointer. You now
run ``fossil diff'' and things look better:

$ fossil diff
Index: data.txt
--- data.txt
+++ data.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

And now you're ready to commit, right?

$ fossil commit -m whatever
would fork.  "update" first or use --allow-fork.

Wait,  what happened  there? Unbeknownst  to you,  someone working  in a
checkout named work3  has made another commit against the  same point in
the  timeline that  you want  to commit  to (yes,  I altered  your steps
without telling you  because in a DVCS this is  possible). So now you're
faced with other problems. Let's see what happens next:

$ fossil commit -m whatever --allow-fork
New_Version: e719cd9eb7e46034fe7eac1dc688c4c87e1355a4
**** warning: a fork has occurred *****

Fortunately, and hopefully, this is as simple as:

$ fossil merge
Merging fork [7dd4f281ca] at 2017-07-08 04:06:28 by amb: "oops"
MERGE data.txt
 "fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.

Hurray, no conflicts, so we're almost done:

$ fossil commit -m done
New_Version: c4b827963dd6caf57a49ce5815d84990efa16a97


TAI64 timestamp: 4000000059605c58

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