on Friday 07 July 2017 at 22:14, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Natacha Port? on Fri, 07 Jul 2017 09:43:56 -0000:
> > (3) "fossil checkout --keep", which is advertised as changing the
> > "current commit" pointer without touching the working directory, but
> > bails out of there are unsaved changes.
> > (4) "fossil checkout --keep --froce", which changes the "current commit"
> > pointer whithout touching the working directory and accepts to do so
> > when there are unsaved changes.
> One must keep  in mind that both  (3) and (4) will not  attempt to merge
> any changes that you have made to  managed files. This means that if you
> have made significant changes to files that are not the same between the
> current checkout and the new desired  target checkout, then you will end
> up with a huge diff to figure out.

Indeed. Why I ask a tool to do something, I expect to have to deal with
the consequences of what I'm asking it to do.

> > Since "fossil checkout  --keep" is not supposed to  change the working
> > checkout, is  it rightfully considered dangerous  as "fossil checkout"
> > without flag? Or  should the code be updated to  have "fossil checkout
> > --keep" not fail out when there are unsaved changes?
> Are you  suggesting that --keep  should imply --force because  --keep is
> non-destructive? Whereas, on the other hand, ``fossil checkout --force''
> can be destructive?

Indeed I am.

That or have the --keep flag not trigger the unsaved change check, in
case these wordings happen to not be exactly equivalent (the code is not
obvious on that point).

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