Also as a mere fossil user, I would find it useful if fossil could respond
to a git client and serve files. I use Pharo, which is working toward
integrated support for git, but I'd much rather trust my bits to Fossil.
While the Fossil UI is nice, I see much less value in using a local Fossil
to access a remote git/hg repo.

There are two things that are much more relevant for me:

1) Improvements to ignoring files. One solution is per-directory .fslignore
file (like git and hg have) so I can get better granularity on ignoring
files. In particular I would like to generally ignore .class files as being
Java binaries, but another tool I use generates .class as an extension for
directories that contain class methods (as opposed to instance methods). An
alternative that works for this problem would be a way to specify in a glob
file that a match was for directories vs. files, or to have include globs
so I could ignore *.class but accept *.class/*

2) Allow me to designate any file in the directory structure as
unversioned.  The current unversioning model does not work well for me.  It
essentially is equivalent to Dropbox. I am working with PharoJS which
produces Javascript files from Smalltalk code. I want my source code and
the generated code in Fossil. I also have movies and image files that I
want in particular places.  I realize the Fossil model is to be able to
revert to exactly the state of things on such-and-such a date, including
the versions of movies and images as they were, but I - at least - very
rarely care that images and movies are exactly as they were, I'd almost
always be perfectly happy using the current version. An ideal alternative
would be to have versioned files but where it only kept snapshots of
versions I explicitly asked for, otherwise it would just update the current

Thanks for fossil!

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